Georgia Disability Lawyers

What Are the Key Factors in a Successful Social Security Disability Claim?

When you file a claim to receive Social Security Disability Insurance benefits (SSDI) after becoming disabled, there are several vital factors for your application to be accepted. Sam Earley is an experienced Social Security Disability Lawyer who knows what it takes to help you make a Social Security Disability claim with the best chance of success.

Your Work History & Social Security Disability

One major factor that affects your Social Security claim is how much you paid into the Social Security Program.

Since your first day of work in the public domain, you have been paying a percentage of your income into Social Security. In 2023, that number is 6.2% (unless you are self-employed, then you pay 12.4%).

Higher earnings throughout your working career can result in higher benefits. However, if you did not work some years or earned less (and therefore paid less into the program), your benefit amount may be reduced. How long ago you became disabled and stopped working can also affect if you qualify for benefits.

Social Security Disability & Work Credits

As mentioned above, how much you work affects if you qualify for Social Security Disability benefits. However, SSDI is not like a retirement fund that you directly draw money from. Rather, your work history and contributions to Social Security earn you Social Security “work credits.”

For 2023, you earn one credit for each $1,640 in earnings. You can work up to a maximum of four credits per year ($6,560).

Your Medical Condition Must Qualify For Social Security Disability Benefits

Social Security Disability Insurance is designed to help those who are no longer able to work due to a large number of medical reasons. However, not every person with a medical condition qualifies for SSDI. Rather, your condition needs to be recognized as an accepted disability or condition found on the Social Security Administration’s approved list of disabling conditions that qualify for Social Security Disability benefits.

Along with having an approved disability, there are also numerous other factors that impact your qualifying for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits. For example, a partial disability that still allows you to work is usually a disqualification for SSDI. For help knowing if your disability or condition meets the requirements, contact our social security disability lawyers today.

Medical Documentation and Social Security Disability Insurance

Another essential factor for qualifying for SSDI benefits is proof of your disability. This is to prevent abuse of these benefits by those who falsify their impairments.

Your disabling condition and what led up to it must be well documented with medical records by qualified physicians. These records of injury, diagnosis, treatment, tests, scans, therapy, rehabilitation, and prognosis for the future are all vital aspects of your SSDI claim.

Our social security disability lawyers know what records are necessary and what specific factors will lend greater credibility to your claim.

Other Social Security Disability Qualification Factors

There are unique factors that may also allow a person to qualify for SSDI. For example, those who are widows, widowers or surviving divorced spouses of a deceased worker may receive SSDI. Along with these groups, those who are disabled children aged 18 and over and those who become disabled before age 22, along with the legally blind can qualify as well.

Get Your Case Prepared By Dedicated Social Security Disability Lawyers

Making sure your case meets the qualifications for Social Security Disability benefits can be overwhelming, especially as you are dealing with your disability. Our Georgia Social Security Disability lawyers are here to provide help as we simplify and expedite the entire Social Security Disability application and approval process for you. We’ll help maximize your benefits with our step-by-step approach, ensuring nothing is missing from your Social Security Disability claim.

Experienced Georgia Disability Attorneys

For almost two decades, we have been helping clients receive Social Security Disability Benefits. We assist with everything involved, including the requirements, documents, and all other parts of the Social Security Disability application process while we provide support and answers to all of your questions along the way.

Contact Our Georgia Disability Lawyers Today

If you need to file a Social Security Disability claim, let us help get your application approved so you can receive the maximum amount possible. Call Georgia Social Security Disability Lawyer Sam Earley at 770-881-7171 or complete our online contact form. Our Georgia Disability Lawyers will quickly reach out to you to set up a free, personalized consultation.