Georgia Social Security Disability Lawyers

Will Social Security Disability Replace the Work Income You’ve Lost?

If you need to rely on Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) after becoming disabled, you likely have concerns about how you will care for your family. Social Security Disability  intended to help provide basic needs for living and other costs for your family. Let Social Security Disability Attorney Sam Earley and his team can help you make the correct calculations to know what to expect.

How Much Can I Get Through Social Security Disability?

Every worker pays into Social Security a percentage of their regular earnings. However, social security disability does not work like a common retirement plan. There is an established maximum with Social Security Disability Insurance that changes each year according to inflation, the cost of living, and other national standards. This number is known as the Federal Benefit Rate (FBR).

For example, the FBR for Social Security Disability Insurance in 2021 is $3,627. You may receive less, depending on your work history and average income to date. The average SSDI beneficiary receives about $1,310. For those in a low-income bracket, the amount of Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits they receive may come close to replacing their work income. For others in higher earnings brackets, the number may fall significantly short.

What Can I Do If I Require More Assistance?

If you are in need of more monthly income than the SSDI amounts mentioned above, then you may also qualify for other disability or assistance programs. Other needs-based federal or state aid programs that may be able to provide assistance include:


If you are deemed eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, you automatically begin receiving Medicare benefits after a 24-month qualifying period.

Food Assistance

If you qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance and/or Supplemental Security Income, you likely also qualify for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP) program. Check in your state for specific eligibility requirements.


Disabled persons may be able to get housing and rental assistance through the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Applications can be made in your county of residence.

Do Other Public Disability Benefits Or Insurance Benefits Affect My Social Security Disability Benefits?

Different situations or circumstances surrounding your disabled status may mean you qualify for other benefits. Let’s look at what those are and how they affect your Social Security Disability benefits.

Workers Compensation

If your disability came from an injury at your place of work, then you may qualify for Workers’ Compensation benefits, which is a form of insurance paid for by an employer to cover expenses incurred from an injury or an illness on the job or job-related activity.

If you receive both Social Security Disability benefits and Workers’ Compensation disability benefits, the amount of your Social Security Disability benefits can be reduced.

Public Disability Benefits

Public disability benefits are payments from a federal, state or local government entity because of disabling medical conditions that are not job-related. Some examples include civil service disability benefits or state and local disability benefits that are part of a retirement plan.

If you receive both Social Security Disability benefits and some forms of public disability benefits, the amount of your Social Security Disability benefits may be reduced.

However, certain public disability benefits do not count against your Social Security Disability benefit calculations. Some examples include:

  • VA benefits
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • State & local benefits, if you paid Social Security taxes on those earnings

Private Disability Benefits

Private disability benefits are payments or settlements you receive from private, non-government-related sources, such as pensions or private insurance policies.

Any private disability benefits do not affect your Social Security Disability benefits.

How Do I Start Collecting Social Security Disability Benefits?

To qualify for Social Security Disability benefits, you must first meet the requirements:

  1. You have a medical condition that lasts for at least one year and meets Social Security’s definition of disability, thus preventing you from working
  2. Your current earnings are below a certain level for the year and you’re not able to do any other type of work
  3. You are legally blind, a widow or widower, or a surviving divorced spouse of a deceased worker
  4. You are a disabled child or became disabled before reaching age 22

Please note that this is a general summary of qualifications. To find out if your disabling condition qualifies you for Social Security Disability benefits, contact us to set up a free consultation with one of our skilled social security disability attorneys.

Why Choose The Social Security Lawyers at Sam Earley For Help?

The process of receiving SSDI can be confusing and overwhelming. But you don’t have to navigate this process alone as you deal with a disabling injury or condition. Our Social Security Disability team is here to help make the entire process easy and simple. We’ll maximize your benefits with our step-by-step approach, ensuring nothing is missing from your claim.

Experienced Georgia Social Security Disability Attorneys

The requirements, questions, documents, and other parts of the SSDI application process need to be completed and submitted correctly to avoid being denied. Our disability lawyers can help guide you through the process to help demonstrate that you satisfy all of the necessary requirements. We’ll help you gather the appropriate medical records or testimonies regarding your disability, along with providing answers to any questions along the way.

Contact Our Georgia Disability Lawyers For Help

If you have questions or are ready to file a Social Security Disability claim, call our Georgia Social Security Disability Lawyers at 770-881-7171 or complete our contact form. Our office will quickly reach out to you to set up a free, personalized consultation.